
Not really focused on AR, but this interview with Ian Stewart is highly recommended, for many reasons. Ian co-founded Wire magazine. He is now helping startups, as well as heading a digital initiative for the Toledo Museum of Art. I took classes at TMA, and am now based in Toledo. Ian only talks about Toledo for a few minutes, at the end. The rest of the long interview is a treasure chest of current ideas, IT history and facts.

Marty Hegler, in a video demonstrating his Cooperative Phonograph. The short video was displayed in Augmented Reality using the Augmented.City platform.

More AR goodness from Augmented. City.

Like the video with Marty, this was at Bamboo in Ann Arbor, on display at the One Million Cups exchange.

For real AR news and traffic information: Lowpass, The Ghost Howls, Immersive Wire

Last issue was all about Italy. How could I have forgotten Simonetta Pozzi! Simonetta is superactive in the Italian digital culture scene, and she was gracious enough to let us share the Bubiko story:

Another superstar of XR in Italy: Elisabetta Rotolo from the Multiverse Institute of Arts and Technology.

My apologies to both Simonetta and Elisabetta. Forse mi permettereste di intervistare ciascuno di voi?

The AR world seems to be celebrating that 2025 is the year that XR will break out. This is one reason:

Have a great week!


The exact date is yet to be confirmed, but in January I will be doing a presentation at Incubizo in Detroit.


DId I tell you I started another newsletter about Japan?

Auste Skrupskyte Cullbrand from Playground <[email protected]>



or to participate.